Mindfulness & Preparedness in our Pandemic

In the northern US, we're still in the thick of cold & flu season and now we have the added consternation about the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19). Are you worried? Obsessively checking it's spread? Or are you preferring to not think about it until it seems to be closer to home? Whatever your current approach and state of mind, I'm happy to share some resources and perspectives. All acute illnesses- and especially pandemics - are dynamic by nature and require us to be flexible, attentive, and present. What has been coming up for you as you navigate the media hysteria and fears about the individual and global impacts? An often-quoted phrase from Warren Buffet has come to mind: "Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked." Although Buffett is referring to investor's portfolio holdings, it is interesting to apply it to our collective state now! Our bare butts are showing!
When a slew of social securities are disrupted, infrastructures are suspended or dismantled and so many unknowns loom, it is like the tide has gone out, revealing our areas of susceptibilities to many fears: contagion, illness and death, social separation, financial loss, lack of safety and so many more. It can also show us where we have neglected care of our inner selves, our spiritual lives, our ability to see ourselves interconnected with all living things on the planet. What is assured is that we alone can navigate and mitigate these fears and uncertainties by going inward with compassion and curiosity.
What are some of the questions you are asking yourself about your deepest Self in this time? Some of my own have been: What are the ways I effectively create more spaciousness within, and do I need new/different muscles for this right now? Is there anything of deep enduring value that I've been neglecting to honor? How has my emphasis on work, busyness, intellect, money, productivity, appearances, etc contributed to an inner disharmony?
And part of self care now is making sure our resources are well-assembled. Did you know that homeopathy has a proven track record of treating and preventing serious epidemic and pandemic diseases? It's dramatic! Here are a few mortality rate stats comparing patients under allopathic (conventional western medicine approaches) and homeopathic treatments in prior major pandemics:

We are well-poised to effectively treat this newest Corona virus homeopathically. The principles and applications of homeopathic treatment of flu and other quickly spreading illnesses have gone unchanged for hundreds of years. You can read more about this here and at Flu Solution, a wonderful international initiative. There is an emerging group of remedies that most closely match the array of commonly-seen symptoms of COVID-19. Homeopaths across the globe have been collecting data on confirmed cases and assembling a cluster of remedies that are more likely to be used effectively at the various symptom stages, including remedies for first sign of feeling unwell.
As of March 19, these include, but are not limited to Antimonium tartaricum, Phosphoricum acidum, Phosphorus, Mercurius vivus, Gelsemium sempervirens, Bryonia alba, Arsenicum album, Aconitum napellus. While these remedies will be great to have on hand in your home medicine cabinet, remember that someone's symptoms may indicate a remedy not in this list. It is important to have a professional homeopath on call to help you navigate early and effective treatment at the onset of any symptoms. (Update on 4/23/20: additional remedies have been added to the lists of remedies showing effective reductions in symptoms: Ozone, Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Carbo vegetabilis, Ammonium carbonicum)
Do you have a homeopath to call when you're feeling unwell? I am available for acute consultations and to make recommendations about a handful of remedies (or a homeopathy home remedy kit) to have on hand to bring some peace of mind about being well-stocked with effective medicines in your home. I'm also part of a national response team helping folks get homeopathic care and remedies for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 symptoms. If you'd like to be in touch with that team, please reach out to me for the contact information. You can contact me now.
What you can do now
You can do many things to support your strong immune function! You likely know many things to do - and here are a few reminders:
Take care of your mental health: be gentle with demands on yourself now, treat yourself to acts of loving kindness toward yourself and others, mindfully limit consumption of news that stirs up fear and anxiety in you.
Boost your end-of-winter immunity by grabbing one of my last few Winter Herbal CSA Shares
Use these additional herbs as immune tonics: Lemon Balm (a powerful anti-viral plant), this Immunity Tea and this Winter Wellness Herbal Soak
And, of course, deep rest and good water and whole foods and laughter and gratitude...