Ubiquitous UTI
Urinary tract infections are a menace! The itch! The burn!
Natural health books and reputable websites abound with helpful home remedy tips for Cystitis like drinking more water, vitamin C, cranberry juice, garlic, apple cider vinegar, etc. Herbally, teas of Uva ursi or Dandelion can be immensely helpful.

People who are anatomically female tend to get these infections more often than males due to a short urethra and proximity of its opening to the anus, making it easy for bacteria to reach the urethra and bladder. Anyone can get these infections, though, from use of irritating chemicals in bubble baths/soaps, swimming pools and hot tubs. It is a region of our body’s ecosystem held in delicate balance, and for some, the balance is more easily disrupted than for others.
For many, home remedies can resolve the occasional case of cystitis without any antibiotic intervention, but many others suffer tremendously with recurring infections.
When there is recurring cystitis, it shows that there is a susceptibility in that region of the body - a weak place in our overall health. Homeopathy is genius for helping us strengthen our areas of susceptibility, working much deeper than just resolving a particular symptom. Homeopathy helps to build up the individual’s “constitution” (level of core vitality to maintain health), reducing the risk of recurrent cystitis. Conventional prescription or over the counter medications work in an opposite way - to temporarily remove the symptom without actually strengthening the resilience of the entire urinary system.
There are a few dozen homeopathic remedies often indicated for cystitis and are differentiated and selected by differences in:
Timing and characteristics of pain
Frequency of desire to urinate
Difficulty in urination
But beyond these areas, the most common remedies are different in ways related to body temperature, inflammation, temperament, etiology of infection, and details about what makes someone feel better or worse.
Here are a few to highlight how individualized the remedies can be:
Cantharis. The hallmark feature is agonizing pain before, during and after urination. Each drop of urine will feel like scalding acid and there may be blood in it. There is intense urging, but little urine is produced. The inflammation can cause feelings of arousal.
Staphysagria. The onset tends to occur either after frequent or vigorous sexual intercourse (hence the name “honeymoon cystitis”) or after a pelvic examination, operation or labor, or following an episode of anger, often suppressed, humiliation, insult, or indignation. It is prescribed where there is suppressed anger and grief. The anger is hidden, the person appears mild tempered and gentle, yet there is often a history of abuse or deep sorrow. The pain is felt during and after urination with burning in the urethra.
Sarsaparilla. The key symptom of those needing Sarsaparilla is a burning pain in the urethra at the end of urination with a chill spreading to the bladder. Urine is difficult to pass, but easier while standing. The pain may be severe, especially if the infection has gone on for hours or days.
And there are many others to consider! To find the best match for the specific presentation of one’s cystitis, it is important to work with a professional homeopath.
Homeopathic treatment can be used alongside antibiotics, or given while waiting for the results of a lab test and culture. If you are trying to avoid taking antibiotics, please know that an infection with a fever, pain in the kidneys and/or blood in the urine indicates that medical attention is needed. An infection involving the kidneys can cause scar tissue with long-term effects. Please be prudent about your observation of symptoms and work closely with your homeopath.