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Spring Herbal CSA Share
  • Spring Herbal CSA Share

    The Spring Share focuses on seasonal remedies for supporting our bodies and spirits into and through the spring months with themes of upward energies, growth, clearing and strengthening. The medicinal plants included help to detoxify by eliminating toxins and wastes while toning the liver, kidney, digestive and circulatory systems and nourishing with loads of essential minerals.

    Share starts at $45 (a $60 value).


    Spring shares can be ordered at any time through the end of June - or while products last.


    Spring Share delivery/pick up includes:

    Nettle Tea (10 hand-packed tea bags of wild-harvested spring 2020 Stinging Nettle)

    Dandelion Extract, 1oz 

    Burdock Root Extract, 1oz

    Herbal Bitters Extract, 1oz (gentian, dandelion, fennel seed, orange peel, licorice in distilled grain alcohol)

    Gomasio (Nori Seaweed, Sesame seeds, Nettle)

    + Creamy Wild Green Soup recipe

    + Information about the remedies and how to use them


    FOR LOCAL NYC PICKUP: East Village, New York City

    Ready in 2 business days

    For folks in NYC, arrangements can be made for in-person NO CONTACT pickups in the East Village following check-out.

    • Sliding Scale

      If your income allows you to pay on the higher end of the sliding scale, this will help to compensate us for our time and labor while supporting our commitment to keeping our remedies more accessible.

    $45.00 Regular Price
    $33.75Sale Price
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